New York Private Drug Detoxification

Private Drug DetoxificationNew York, NY

For More Information

    Private drug detoxification can be an incredibly useful tool for anyone struggling to break the cycle of addiction. Private detox services are available on an individual basis and typically at a physician’s office or licensed treatment facility. At Joel Nathan, MD, we can provide you with specific treatment information and suggestions during a consultation. However, the most important thing to remember is that in a private detoxification program, you can receive individual care while having your privacy preserved. We have found that many of our New York, NY patients are concerned with their privacy and the ability to keep their drug addiction to themselves. Group treatment or therapy sessions can create an understandable fear about people in work or social circles becoming aware of the addiction. In a private drug detoxification session, the only people typically in the room are you and a medical professional. This ensures that everything you say and all details of the treatment plan remain entirely private.

    Group drug detoxification often takes place within an in-patient setting. Many addicts will enter a drug rehabilitation program for several months, and during that time, there will be individual physician appointments and group therapy sessions. An effective option for drug detox, group therapy programs can provide peer support for those who need it.

    To discuss the various options for drug treatment, call 212-410-6832 to speak with a medical professional.

    Private Drug Detoxification and Holistic Treatment Plans

    At Joel Nathan, MD, we believe in creating holistic treatment plans as part of a drug rehabilitation process. In order for a plan to be effective, most aspects of life, if not all, need to be taken into consideration. This includes identifying what, if anything, created a situation where an addict initially wanted to begin using drugs. For example, if drug use began due to stress, we want to analyze if that same stressful situation is still present in a person’s life and if there is a way for that stress to be alleviated. Otherwise, completing a private drug detoxification program will not be enough because it will not actually stop the initial feelings that led to drug use. In this situation, it is highly likely that an addict will either relapse or look to self-medicate by other means, many of which may not be healthy. We also will analyze relationships that could either lead to drug use or could be enabling the drug use. We will even discuss an addict’s employment to determine if a person’s employment situation could potentially lead to drug use, as is common in certain fields. The second part of the holistic treatment is giving people the tools they need to meet their needs emotionally and mentally so if they do have a challenge, they are not immediately seeking drugs. This is in addition to specific drug therapies and/or medication that will be used during the private drug detoxification program to assist with detox and rehabilitation. Many patients have achieved sobriety through this holistic and comprehensive approach to drug rehabilitation.

    What leads to drug addiction and the need for private drug detoxification?

    Many people begin taking drugs voluntarily in order to get high or in order to calm down. Some people begin taking drugs out of simple boredom, while others take drugs to get attention, to deal with stress, or to help them calm down. Typically, people start using drugs on a casual basis only to have fun or to relax as needed. The problem is that drugs change the brain, and casual drug use can quickly turn to compulsive behavior that is uncontrollable as the brain continues to demand more and more of the drug in order to function.

    Medication Helps New York Patients

    Medication can be an incredibly valuable tool when it comes to treating drug addiction in New York. This is because taking drugs makes changes to how the brain operates. As a result, detoxification can actually be incredibly dangerous, with some people even suffering from seizures. Even more mild cases lead to symptoms like cold sweats, fevers, shaking, nausea, etc. during the detoxification process. Medication can help alleviate the symptoms by tricking the brain into believing that it is receiving the drug, when in actuality, it is receiving only components of the drug so the brain does not panic. However, these medications do not make any one of our New York patients high.

    Medication Helps in the Event of a Relapse

    At Joel Nathan, MD, we use medication to help patients get off drugs. This can be incredibly beneficial, especially in the case of a relapse. If someone were to take an opiate, for example, while on medication, they would not experience the same level of high. This can help prevent the euphoria that can come from a recovering addict using a drug again.

    Drug Treatment Plans Must Be Reviewed and Adjusted

    Whenever treating an addict in New York, we review treatment plans and therapies on a regular basis. This is especially true when using medication as a way to detox and manage the transition process. It is important for recovering addicts and their family members to realize that this is, in part, a moving target. While we will create a private drug detoxification plan at the very beginning, everyone must be flexible to change that plan if something is not working like it should or if it appears that an alternative therapy would be more effective. The ultimate goal is lifelong recovery, so being flexible is an important step in that process.

    Access to Treatment Can Be Enhanced With Private Drug Detoxification

    It is critical that any drug addict have access to treatment exactly when they need it. If, for example, an addict is seeking treatment that is not available in their individual community, it may be necessary for them to temporarily relocate throughout the treatment process and immediately afterward in order to prevent a relapse. Remaining in a community that does not provide immediate access to resources and treatment can create a relapse situation, making it important to access treatment support in New York, NY. To learn more about drug treatment options for yourself or someone you love, call (212) 410-6832.