New York Substance Abuse Treatment Plan

Substance Abuse Treatment PlanNew York, NY

A New York substance abuse treatment plan can work to treat opioid addictions, an addiction to marijuana, alcohol, prescription drugs, and any type of drug addiction. Whether a recreational or prescription drug, addiction can create a significantly negative impact on all areas of life and health. At Joel Nathan, MD, we can provide you with information on a substance abuse treatment plan specific to your needs. To schedule a consultation with our office, call 212-410-6832.

For More Information

    All Addicts Can Benefit From a Substance Abuse Treatment Plan

    Drug addictions do not discriminate. Anyone can easily become addicted to drugs because when you take drugs, it changes part of the brain that involves motivation and reward systems, along with memory and behavior control. Naturally, your brain is programmed to do something that creates a reward or a positive effect, and so then it begins to crave the drug on a more regular basis.

    Can I simply give the drug up?

    There is nothing simple about drug addiction treatment in New York, NY. Many people are under the misconception that if they start using drugs casually and then decide to quit, it will be easy to do so. Very often, this is not the case. You cannot stop drugs for a couple days and go back to normal. Since drugs make changes to your brain, a substance abuse treatment plan needs to be comprehensive.

    What is involved in a substance abuse treatment plan?

    Ongoing research has been evaluating the best way to treat drug addiction since the 1970s. While there is no perfect treatment plan, at Joel Nathan, MD, we have much more information and resources now than 30 years ago. From our perspective, it is critical that any drug treatment plan be comprehensive. There must be ways to approach the addiction, addressing all areas of life that it impacts. Remember, using drugs impacts the brain and behavior, so both of these aspects need to be addressed. Additionally, it is important to factor in external forces when creating a drug treatment plan. For example, if an addict is using drugs with their friends or even a spouse, it is necessary to change those relationships in order to ensure that they do not lead to a relapse. For most people, this requires a willingness to no longer maintain relationships with people continuing to use the drugs.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that no treatment plan will be perfect for everyone. Whenever you seek drug counseling, drug treatment, or drug rehabilitation for yourself or for someone you love, you need to work with a provider willing to fully analyze the situation from a physical, mental, and emotional perspective and then create a customized approach to treatment. The treatment plan must be customized in order to be effective.

    Is a treatment plan going to be different for people addicted to prescription vs. recreational drugs?

    Each treatment plan should be customized for the individual patient. This is regardless of the type of drug that a person is addicted to. The biggest difference may be in the medication prescribed or the time necessary for the detox process to be complete. However, the addiction must be approached the same way – with a comprehensive treatment plan.

    Steps in a Substance Abuse Treatment Plan

    • Detoxification. The detoxification process can be the hardest step in the process, and this is why many drug addicts shy away from the detox process necessary for getting clean. We suggest that detox be done under the supervision and care of medical professionals to ensure that any available tools are put to use in order to make it go as smoothly as possible. While detox will never be simple, working with a doctor will certainly be much better than trying to detox on your own. Sometimes things like medication can be taken on an outpatient basis to help, though some people need to check themselves into a facility in order to detox safely. This is especially true if a patient is at risk for something like seizures during the detox phase.
    • Therapy. Therapy and individual counseling are important to any New York drug treatment plan because it gives an addict the opportunity to discuss their feelings, fears, and struggles that they are having in regards to staying clean. Keeping in mind that most people use drugs because of a life situation or feeling out of control or anxious, it is critical to have a venue where an addict can discuss their emotions relating to everyday life. This way, an addict can deal with situations without using drugs. This is why support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous are so vital and helpful.
    • Medication. Various medications can be incredibly effective when treating drug use. We can help make the detoxification process more manageable, and some people are even able to detox while continuing with their daily activities like going to work or participating in family events. Naturally, any medication needs to be taken under the direct supervision of a physician, and dosages need to be reviewed on a continual basis to ensure that a patient is not using too much or too little. Sometimes medications are provided at the very beginning of the drug treatment plan in order to help with detoxification, but other times, patients are prescribed them at a later date in order to prevent a relapse.
    • Mental health evaluations. It is common for people to begin using drugs due to mental health issues, even depression. The challenge is that drugs do make changes to the brain and some mental health issues can actually become worse. This makes it important to determine what mental challenges a drug addict is facing in addition to their specific drug addiction. We recommend performing a mental health evaluation in order to do so and then following up with patients throughout the drug treatment process in order to ensure that these issues are under control either through therapy or medication.
    • Ongoing care. Drug rehabilitation is not instant. This is why we recommend continuing therapy, counseling, or monitoring in order to ensure that addicts are able to continue living a life that is free from drugs and that they have both the tools and support in order to do so. Sometimes, having someone to talk to can make the difference between a person relapsing or turning to drugs or alcohol if they feel stressed or are struggling from massive anxiety.

    Call to Learn More About a Substance Abuse Treatment Plan

    To discuss your options in further detail, call (212) 410-6832 and schedule a consultation. At Joel Nathan, MD, we can answer your questions and provide treatment recommendations.